Notable Visit to Zayed College: A Day of Inspiration and Growth
Where Excellence and Opportunity Meet
Welcome to Zayed College

Founder of the Jamia

About the Founder of Jamia: Hazrat Maulana Mohammad Ilyas Barabankvi

President's Message

While various other community initiatives have been undertaken, central to our mission is imparting

Recognition of the Jamia

Our courses are highly regarded by universities, colleges, and educational institutes.

Mission & Objectives

Teaching Quran, Tafseer, Hadith, Aqeeda, Arabic, Urdu, and beneficial arts.

About Us

Delhi has been a great center of political, religious and scientific activities from the ancient times. Many institutions have been established on this scholar-producing and education-friendly land. Seekers of prophetic sciences have been benefiting from these fountain-heads.

EST. 1996

News And Event

Why Choose Jamia-Tul-Banat?

In the pursuit of quality education for girls, the choice of the right institution plays a pivotal role in shaping not only academic excellence but also character and values. Jamiatul Banat, a dedicated organization for girls’ education, stands out as a beacon of empowerment and holistic development. Here are compelling reasons why choosing Jamiatul Banat is a wise decision for girls seeking education:

Nurturing Individual Potential: The Essence of Self-Development at Jamiatul Bana

In the transformative journey of education, self-development emerges as a cornerstone of personal growth and fulfillment. Jamiatul Banat, with its commitment to holistic education, places a profound focus on fostering self-development among its students. Here’s an exploration of why Jamiatul Banat is an ideal environment for nurturing individual potential and self-discovery.

The Spiritual Dimension of Education at Jamiatul Banat

In the quest for holistic education, Jamiatul Banat distinguishes itself by recognizing the profound importance of spirituality in the development of individuals. Rooted in a commitment to fostering not just academic excellence but also the well-being of the soul, here’s a closer look at why Jamiatul Banat is an ideal environment for the cultivation of spirituality:

The Impactful Journey of Jamiatul Banat Alumni

As an educational institution dedicated to holistic development, Jamiatul Banat takes immense pride in the accomplishments and contributions of its alumni. The vibrant and diverse community of former students reflects the institution’s commitment to nurturing individuals who go on to make a positive impact in various spheres of life. Here’s a closer look at the enduring legacy of excellence created by Jamiatul Banat alumni

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